Subject |
Auszeichnungen |
Author |
Message Date |
ID |
Stefan Riße: Mega-Hausse voraus | |
07.1.21 19:12 | 1
Five Reasons Why We Are Inflation Bulls | |
11.1.21 09:21 | 2
Erste Group - Investoren blicken bereits in die Zukunft | |
13.1.21 11:03 | 3
Somebody should be shot | |
01.2.21 14:51 | 4
 RE: Somebody should be shot | |
01.2.21 18:24 | 5
Global equity markets rebounded strongly from the prior... | |
07.2.21 21:52 | 6
Fear & Greed Index | |
13.2.21 12:12 | 7
 Speculative Traders Add Billions to ‘Meme’ Stocks at Ne... | |
14.2.21 11:33 | 8
 Cathie Wood Risks Having Too Much Money and Not Enough ... | |
14.2.21 11:35 | 9
 Börsenguru Jeremy Grantham warnt | |
19.2.21 14:14 | 10
 Ken Fisher: So sieht sein Depot aus | |
19.2.21 14:19 | 11
Der neue IVA-Chef | |
20.2.21 15:46 | 12
 RE: Der neue IVA-Chef | |
20.2.21 15:54 | 13
While there is a lot of talk about bubbles - VIX! | |
24.2.21 13:54 | 14
 Jens Ehrhardt: So investiere ich jetzt! | |
24.2.21 14:40 | 15
Global equity markets were weaker into the end of the w... | |
28.2.21 20:53 | 16
equities will be able to tolerate bonds repricing | |
06.3.21 18:17 | 17
We see higher rates largely as a function of earlier an... | |
08.3.21 11:26 | 18
Inverted yield curve hat wieder funktioniert | |
21.3.21 12:02 | 19
Was Cathie Wood eigentlich in ihrem Fonds hat | |
22.3.21 16:38 | 20
 RE: Was Cathie Wood eigentlich in ihrem Fonds hat | |
22.3.21 20:55 | 21
 DAX 20.000? | |
01.4.21 08:29 | 22
JPMorgan’s Dimon Says ‘This Boom Could Easily Run Into ... | |
07.4.21 14:25 | 23
 RE: JPMorgan’s Dimon Says ‘This Boom Could Easily Run I... | |
07.4.21 14:30 | 24
Norwegischer Staatsfonds |  |
11.4.21 10:46 | 25
 RE: Norwegischer Staatsfonds | |
12.4.21 20:03 | 26
 RE: Norwegischer Staatsfonds | |
12.4.21 20:25 | 27
Goldman und Pimco sehen Inflationswahn | |
17.5.21 08:01 | 28
 RE: Goldman und Pimco sehen Inflationswahn | |
17.5.21 08:12 | 29
 RE: Goldman und Pimco sehen Inflationswahn | |
17.5.21 22:22 | 30
EZB heute | |
10.6.21 15:45 | 31
Biden hat nur begrenzt Zeit | |
11.6.21 14:17 | 32
Fed prognostiziert 2 Zinserhöhungen in den nächsten 2 J... | |
16.6.21 21:41 | 33
FOMC meeting was a hawkish surprise, but bullish view o... | |
22.6.21 15:33 | 34
We maintain our pro-risk view | |
14.7.21 13:51 | 35
BlackRock CEO Fink does not see inflation as transitory | |
14.7.21 16:12 | 36
We remain constructive on equities | |
20.7.21 08:30 | 37
A significant development over the past few days | |
28.7.21 15:04 | 38
Q2 US earnings season has been spectacular so far | |
02.8.21 15:28 | 39
Earnings delivery has been very strong | |
09.8.21 15:35 | 40
We continue to see the global economy accelerating in 2... | |
10.8.21 09:00 | 41
 The collapse in inventories will be a bigger boost to g... | |
10.8.21 09:34 | 42
We continue to hold a bullish Equities view into year-e... | |
10.8.21 10:45 | 43
Notenbank-Gouverneur Holzmann: "Wir müssen nicht das ga... | |
01.9.21 10:01 | 44
We retain a pro-risk allocation on strong global growth | |
14.9.21 13:54 | 45
What on Earth Is Going on in Commodities? |  |
19.9.21 08:47 | 46
 RE: What on Earth Is Going on in Commodities? | |
19.9.21 10:18 | 47
 RE: What on Earth Is Going on in Commodities? | |
19.9.21 11:12 | 48
 RE: What on Earth Is Going on in Commodities? | |
19.9.21 11:13 | 49
JPMorgan’s Kolanovic Sees Stock Rout Overdone, Urges Di... | |
20.9.21 21:18 | 50
 RE: JPMorgan’s Kolanovic Sees Stock Rout Overdone, Urge... |  |
20.9.21 23:21 | 51
 RE: JPMorgan’s Kolanovic Sees Stock Rout Overdone, Urge... | |
21.9.21 09:52 | 52
we see sell-offs as opportunities to buy the dip | |
27.9.21 19:03 | 53
keep buying into any weakness | |
04.10.21 20:47 | 54
 gelöscht | |
06.10.21 12:45 | 55
 gelöscht | |
06.10.21 12:44 | 56
Our core view remains that the COVID situation will con... | |
06.10.21 22:49 | 57
We are bullish on Equities | |
11.10.21 20:40 | 58
The Q3 reporting season is unlikely to disappoint overa... | |
27.10.21 15:15 | 59
Global supply chain pressures are easing | |
10.11.21 12:09 | 60
 Baltic Dry Index ist seit Mitte Oktober kollabiert | |
10.11.21 12:13 | 61
Goldman-Prognose Omikron: Vier Szenarien für die Weltwi... | |
30.11.21 06:36 | 62
Omicron variant doesn't shake Goldman Sachs' bullish 20... | |
20.12.21 19:05 | 63
Wifo-Chef Felbermayr: "Haben auch überreagiert" | |
27.12.21 08:53 | 64
Der Rückenwind für die Börsen wird nächstes Jahr schwäc... | |
27.12.21 09:05 | 65
JPMorgan Says Investors Are Too Bearish, No Selloff In ... | |
27.12.21 20:05 | 66
 RE: JPMorgan Says Investors Are Too Bearish, No Selloff... |  |
28.12.21 13:48 | 67
 RE: JPMorgan Says Investors Are Too Bearish, No Selloff... |  |
28.12.21 13:50 | 68
 RE: JPMorgan Says Investors Are Too Bearish, No Selloff... | |
28.12.21 14:33 | 69
 RE: JPMorgan Says Investors Are Too Bearish, No Selloff... | |
28.12.21 17:51 | 70
 RE: JPMorgan Says Investors Are Too Bearish, No Selloff... | |
28.12.21 19:56 | 71
 RE: JPMorgan Says Investors Are Too Bearish, No Selloff... | |
28.12.21 21:34 | 72
 RE: JPMorgan Says Investors Are Too Bearish, No Selloff... | |
29.12.21 08:02 | 73
Ein Strauß voller Ausblicke | |
29.12.21 09:02 | 74
Byron Wien and Joe Zidle Announce the Ten Surprises of ... |  |
03.1.22 19:08 | 75
JPMorgan: Aktienmarktrally hat noch reichlich Luft | |
04.1.22 09:34 | 76
Morgan Stanley Strategists Join Herd of Bulls for Europ... | |
07.1.22 20:24 | 77
Fear & Greed Index | |
21.1.22 21:44 | 78
U.S. Stocks Historically Deliver Strong Gains in Fed Hi... | |
23.1.22 18:38 | 79
RBI: Aktien auch 2022 alternativlos - EZB wohl bald vor... | |
24.1.22 14:21 | 80
Brezinschek erwartet heuer vier Fed-Zinserhöhungen | |
27.1.22 15:50 | 81
JPMorgan Strategists Say Buy Stocks as Rate Hikes Now P... | |
07.2.22 12:12 | 82
 Ken Fisher: Aktienmarkt könnte auch 2022 boomen | |
08.2.22 16:57 | 83
Fear&Greed Index | |
17.2.22 09:09 | 84
JPMorgan's Kolanovic Says Stocks Will Rise on Pandemic ... | |
23.2.22 16:16 | 85
The World has changed and changed utterly | |
25.2.22 10:07 | 86
 Kriegszeiten: Das rät Warren Buffett | |
12.3.22 19:11 | 87
The Future is Long Term Energy, Defence, CyberSecurity ... | |
15.3.22 14:19 | 88
wenn der "Fed-Put" zum "PBOC-Put" wird... |  |
16.3.22 08:46 | 89
Investment-Guru El-Erian rät: "Aktienanteil erhöhen" | |
25.3.22 06:28 | 90
On that happy note... | |
28.3.22 08:40 | 91
AK-Prantner empfiehlt Aktien und Gold | |
03.4.22 18:39 | 92
The Ukraine War has catalysed a tsunami of negative eco... | |
21.4.22 10:12 | 93
JPMorgan Expects S&P 500 Earnings to Blow Past Gloomy E... | |
22.4.22 06:38 | 94
The Penny Drops: April Exposes Markets to Some Brutal T... | |
29.4.22 14:04 | 95
Stock Market Rebound Not Far Off as ‘Fears Overblown,’ ... | |
03.5.22 10:58 | 96
RE:Cathie Wood’s Famed Market-Beating Return Is Disappe... | |
10.5.22 08:22 | 97
 RE:Cathie Wood’s Famed Market-Beating Return Is Disappe... |   |
10.5.22 08:42 | 98
 RE:Cathie Wood’s Famed Market-Beating Return Is Disappe... | |
10.5.22 08:51 | 99
Tricks make headlines, but winners execute the basics..... | |
11.5.22 18:01 | 100
Equity markets price in too much recession risk | |
18.5.22 13:12 | 101
The Crypto Bubble is Bursting | |
20.5.22 10:40 | 102
Jamie Dimon Says JPMorgan Is Bracing Itself for Economi... | |
01.6.22 20:28 | 103
We maintain our positive view | |
06.6.22 20:34 | 104
 RE: We maintain our positive view | |
06.6.22 21:39 | 105
ein knappes Prozent im Minus indiziert und die Schuldig... | |
07.6.22 08:33 | 106
 Geldmarkt preist nun auch für die EZB einen 50-Basispun... | |
07.6.22 10:01 | 107
xxx | |
09.6.22 09:26 | 108
 Ken Fisher: "Exactly the kind of broad pessimism ... | |
09.6.22 09:28 | 109
“The tipping point is not a question of if, but when” | |
13.6.22 15:17 | 110
Die Permabullen wieder | |
14.6.22 13:43 | 111
 Die Permabullen ... und wieder | |
15.6.22 07:05 | 112
Fear & Greed Index | |
14.6.22 15:02 | 113
The Age of Divergence – Buy Dollars, Sell Europe | |
17.6.22 15:46 | 114
JPMorgan’s Kolanovic Sees a 7% Boost for Stocks From Re... | |
25.6.22 10:31 | 115
Has Covid Changed the Capital Markets for the Better? | |
30.6.22 13:02 | 116
 Outlook for the second half? Rising interest rates and ... | |
30.6.22 13:13 | 117
'Risky asset prices are too cheap' if recession avoided... | |
30.6.22 15:39 | 118
Goldman Sachs: Risiko für Aktien hoch | |
05.7.22 08:14 | 119
Marktanalyse: Eine Angst zu viel? | |
10.7.22 09:36 | 120
How long and deep is Inflation, and how close is China ... | |
14.7.22 09:59 | 121
 RE: How long and deep is Inflation, and how close is Ch... | |
14.7.22 10:39 | 122
Inflation hits new high, Fed to hike 100 bp, Growth Sto... | |
14.7.22 10:28 | 123
UK is a basket case | |
19.8.22 17:44 | 124
 RE: UK is a basket case | |
20.8.22 10:32 | 125
 RE: UK is a basket case | |
20.8.22 10:41 | 126
Goldman Says Buy Commodities, ‘Worry About Recession La... | |
29.8.22 08:21 | 127
Jeremy Grantham Warns ‘Super Bubble’ in Stocks Has Yet ... | |
01.9.22 14:35 | 128
Cathie Wood’s ARKK Sees Biggest Monthly Outflow in Near... | |
01.9.22 21:28 | 129
At the risk of stating the obvious, 2022 has been a cha... | |
04.9.22 19:51 | 130
“Things are never as bad as we fear, but seldom as good... | |
07.9.22 09:31 | 131
Forget the dead cat bounce, its all about inflation and... | |
13.9.22 10:57 | 132
China and Russia – what will Putin get? | |
14.9.22 14:03 | 133
Narratives change quickly | |
18.9.22 09:24 | 134
Global markets look pants | |
21.9.22 11:25 | 135
Goldman Sachs cuts 2022 target for S&P 500 by 16% | |
23.9.22 16:10 | 136
Summers Calls UK Fiscal Policy 'Naive Wishful Thinking' | |
24.9.22 09:04 | 137
Bond Vigilantes - Collateral Calls | |
28.9.22 15:47 | 138
Bewertungstechnisch zeigt sich der ATX historisch günst... | |
01.10.22 14:56 | 139
Erste Research ? | |
08.10.22 06:09 | 140
Erste Group stuft ATX als historisch günstig ein | |
08.10.22 13:44 | 141
S&P 500 has risen in the year after every single one of... | |
11.10.22 14:06 | 142
Raiffeisen Research: Potenzial bei Aktien ist aktuell b... | |
14.10.22 15:14 | 143
Explosion in short-dated options seen sowing seeds for ... | |
01.11.22 22:03 | 144
On Tuesday, Americans will cast their ballot for member... | |
06.11.22 12:19 | 145
Demokraten schlagen sich besser als erwartet | |
09.11.22 07:32 | 146
 RE: Demokraten schlagen sich besser als erwartet | |
09.11.22 10:29 | 147
PMorgan’s Kolanovic Cuts Equity Allocation on Weak 2023... | |
13.12.22 08:45 | 148
Leon Cooperman, citing Old Testament parable, says bull... | |
06.1.23 18:46 | 149
Erste Group sieht 2023 moderates Aufwärtspotenzial für ... | |
13.1.23 12:06 | 150
start to the year has been one of the best on record |  |
19.1.23 14:01 | 151
 RE: start to the year has been one of the best on recor... |  |
19.1.23 14:27 | 152
 RE: start to the year has been one of the best on recor... | |
19.1.23 15:26 | 153
Black Swan Fund Manager Sees Markets in ‘Tinderbox-Time... | |
31.1.23 08:13 | 154
Divergences keep building between robust equity prices ... | |
06.3.23 19:31 | 155
 RE: Divergences keep building between robust equity pri... | |
06.3.23 21:22 | 156
JPMorgan’s Kolanovic Warns of ‘Volmageddon 2.0’ Risk in... | |
06.3.23 21:35 | 157
 RE: JPMorgan’s Kolanovic Warns of ‘Volmageddon 2.0’ Ris... |  |
07.3.23 06:11 | 158
‘Buy the Dip in Bank Stocks,’ Goldman Sachs Says. | |
13.3.23 08:04 | 159
 RE: ‘Buy the Dip in Bank Stocks,’ Goldman Sachs Says. | |
13.3.23 11:37 | 160
 RE: ‘Buy the Dip in Bank Stocks,’ Goldman Sachs Says. | |
13.3.23 13:35 | 161
 RE: ‘Buy the Dip in Bank Stocks,’ Goldman Sachs Says. | |
13.3.23 13:56 | 162
 RE: ‘Buy the Dip in Bank Stocks,’ Goldman Sachs Says. | |
13.3.23 13:46 | 163
 RE: ‘Buy the Dip in Bank Stocks,’ Goldman Sachs Says. | |
13.3.23 13:49 | 164
 RE: ‘Buy the Dip in Bank Stocks,’ Goldman Sachs Says. | |
13.3.23 13:54 | 165
 RE: ‘Buy the Dip in Bank Stocks,’ Goldman Sachs Says. | |
13.3.23 13:57 | 166
 RE: ‘Buy the Dip in Bank Stocks,’ Goldman Sachs Says. | |
13.3.23 13:58 | 167
 RE: ‘Buy the Dip in Bank Stocks,’ Goldman Sachs Says. | |
13.3.23 13:58 | 168
 RE: ‘Buy the Dip in Bank Stocks,’ Goldman Sachs Says. | |
13.3.23 14:11 | 169
 RE: ‘Buy the Dip in Bank Stocks,’ Goldman Sachs Says. | |
13.3.23 14:28 | 170
 RE: ‘Buy the Dip in Bank Stocks,’ Goldman Sachs Says. | |
13.3.23 20:32 | 171
Ackman Says Regional Bank Stocks Are an ‘Incredible Bar... | |
13.3.23 21:27 | 172
Goldman-Sachs-Chef für Deutschland und Österreich: "Das... | |
24.3.23 08:11 | 173
Andreas Treichl zur Bankenkrise: "Da muss etwas falsch ... | |
27.3.23 06:59 | 174
Our view remains that Q1 will likely mark the high poin... | |
27.3.23 19:25 | 175
Goldman Says AI Will Spur US Productivity Jump, Global ... | |
27.3.23 20:46 | 176
 RE: Goldman Says AI Will Spur US Productivity Jump, Glo... | |
27.3.23 21:06 | 177
 RE: Goldman Says AI Will Spur US Productivity Jump, Glo... | |
28.3.23 05:05 | 178
 RE: Goldman Says AI Will Spur US Productivity Jump, Glo... | |
28.3.23 09:30 | 179
Last week’s price action showed signs of panic buying b... |  |
21.5.23 16:54 | 180
 RE: Last week’s price action showed signs of panic buyi... | |
22.5.23 09:19 | 181
 RE: Last week’s price action showed signs of panic buyi... | |
22.5.23 09:25 | 182
 RE: Last week’s price action showed signs of panic buyi... | |
22.5.23 09:29 | 183
 RE: Last week’s price action showed signs of panic buyi... | |
22.5.23 09:36 | 184
 Ken Fisher: ‘Don’t Miss the Next Bull Market’ | |
25.5.23 21:32 | 185
 Börsenguru erwartet «tiefe Rezession und Kreditkollaps» | |
25.5.23 21:35 | 186
The narrowest rally this century | |
26.5.23 15:45 | 187
Goldman’s Hatzius Feeling ‘Very Good’ About Soft-Landin... | |
15.6.23 07:55 | 188
 RE: Goldman’s Hatzius Feeling ‘Very Good’ About Soft-La... | |
15.6.23 11:12 | 189
JPMorgan Says Stocks to Suffer $150 Billion Rebalancing... | |
16.6.23 06:36 | 190
 RE: JPMorgan Says Stocks to Suffer $150 Billion Rebalan... | |
15.6.23 21:31 | 191
 RE: JPMorgan Says Stocks to Suffer $150 Billion Rebalan... | |
16.6.23 06:25 | 192
 RE: JPMorgan Says Stocks to Suffer $150 Billion Rebalan... | |
16.6.23 06:26 | 193
What is the market ex Tech/AI pricing in? |  |
11.7.23 10:06 | 194
Morgan Stanley Sees Mood on US Stocks Souring, Goldman ... | |
21.8.23 21:08 | 195
Six questions on how one should put together a strategi... | |
26.9.23 15:53 | 196
What bubble? | |
02.10.23 15:45 | 197
Mostböck: "Österreichische Aktien sind extrem günstig" | |
15.10.23 10:06 | 198
 RE: Mostböck: | |
15.10.23 11:00 | 199
 RE: Mostböck: | |
15.10.23 12:28 | 200
 Ken Fisher | |
23.10.23 14:42 | 201
Gute Aussichten für die wichtigsten Anlageklassen | |
29.11.23 07:37 | 202
JPMorgan says S&P 500 will fall next year | |
30.11.23 12:51 | 203
Goldman Sachs boosts 2024 S&P 500 target on increased c... | |
18.12.23 19:21 | 204
Erste-Group-Analysten sehen ATX heuer im Aufwind | |
04.1.24 16:34 | 205
Goldman Says S&P 500 Earnings Forecast Could Rise Furth... | |
06.1.24 17:58 | 206
Von den Einzelwerten gefallen uns aktuell am besten: | |
08.1.24 07:03 | 207
 RE: Von den Einzelwerten gefallen uns aktuell am besten... | |
08.1.24 10:30 | 208
 RE: Von den Einzelwerten gefallen uns aktuell am besten... | |
08.1.24 10:45 | 209
 RE: Von den Einzelwerten gefallen uns aktuell am besten... | |
08.1.24 11:25 | 210
 RE: Von den Einzelwerten gefallen uns aktuell am besten... | |
08.1.24 11:27 | 211
Beste Chancen am Wiener Markt | |
11.2.24 09:46 | 212
Goldman Lifts S&P 500 Target With Profit Optimism to Dr... | |
19.2.24 16:10 | 213
Blackrock-Chef Larry Fink sieht Pensionierungskrise kom... | |
27.3.24 16:26 | 214
Goldman Sees ‘Wall of Money’ Fueling Stock Market’s Sum... | |
06.6.24 07:54 | 215
Raiffeisen Research sieht Aktienmärkte auf solider Basi... | |
13.6.24 07:07 | 216
Markets keep humbling analysts by proving them wrong, s... | |
11.8.24 10:58 | 217
 RE: Markets keep humbling analysts by proving them wron... | |
11.8.24 11:56 | 218
 RE: Markets keep humbling analysts by proving them wron... | |
11.8.24 14:51 | 219
Decade of big S&P 500 gains is over, Goldman strategist... | |
21.10.24 15:08 | 220
Market 'Very Convinced' Of A Trump Win, Says Stanley Dr... | |
22.10.24 15:37 | 221
JPMorgan, at Odds With Goldman, Sees Solid Run Ahead fo... | |
22.10.24 19:38 | 222
UBS Global Wealth Management lifts global equities stan... | |
25.10.24 13:15 | 223
 Dieses Signal spricht jetzt für eine Korrektur | |
29.10.24 14:39 | 224
S&P 500 seen reaching 10,000 by end of decade, spurred ... | |
12.11.24 13:30 | 225
 RE: S&P 500 seen reaching 10,000 by end of decade, spur... | |
12.11.24 13:33 | 226
Goldman Sachs sees S&P 500 hitting 6,500 in 2025 amid '... | |
20.11.24 06:46 | 227
Wall Street issues its most bullish S&P outlook yet for... | |
26.11.24 08:21 | 228
 RE: Wall Street issues its most bullish S&P outlook yet... | |
26.11.24 08:34 | 229
 RE: Wall Street issues its most bullish S&P outlook yet... | |
26.11.24 09:18 | 230
 RE: Wall Street issues its most bullish S&P outlook yet... | |
26.11.24 09:20 | 231
 RE: Wall Street issues its most bullish S&P outlook yet... | |
27.11.24 12:56 | 232
 RE: Wall Street issues its most bullish S&P outlook yet... | |
27.11.24 13:09 | 233
Wall Street issues its most bullish 2025 S&P 500 target... | |
09.12.24 19:13 | 234
for the last 4 years, the first trading day has been a ... | |
02.1.25 09:37 | 235
 RE: for the last 4 years, the first trading day has bee... | |
02.1.25 20:49 | 236
Morgan Stanley Strategist Wilson Warns of Risk to Stock... | |
06.1.25 11:55 | 237
Citi expects rally in global stocks to extend into 2025... | |
10.1.25 13:37 | 238
JPMorgan’s Dimon Sees Inflated Stocks as ‘Animal Spirit... | |
22.1.25 18:22 | 239